BIND 2051 BIND 2051 can be used in glazing and polishing finishing and improves plate release and stacking properties. It gives very natural aspect and handle
BIND 2056 BIND 2056 can be used in all type of anionic finishing system ( in glazingor polishing finishing)
BIND 2077 BIND 2077 can be used in combination with other protein binders inglazing finishing
BIND 2042 BIND 2042 is suitable for a wide range of leather and forms a film of glossy with clarity. It is used in aqueous cationic sealing coats and improves
BIND 2006 BIND 2006 is a general purpose uasage protein binder and has excellent dry rub fastness ,good mechanical stability and flow out. It can improves plat
BIND 2085 BIND 2085 can be used in glazing and polishing finishing. It is highly plasticized and has good dry milling properties
WAX 3037 WAX 3037 has excellent plating ability and good filling properties without effect on the adhesion between the coats. It grants a soft natural waxy ha
WAX 3022 WAX 3022 gives an uniform appearance and no film forming or yellowing effect. It can improve covering and filling effects
WAX 3608 WAX 3608 is suitable for a wide range of leathers. It can improve plate release and stacking properties
WAX 3207 WAX 3207 produces a silky, waxy feel on the leather. The product has a good filling effect and easily platable and embossable
WAX 3097 WAX 3097 is used in aqueous polish and base coats to improve the fullness of the finishing and/or for the production of dark polishable coats
WAX 3059 WAX 3059 is suitable for all types of high gloss and waxy gloss finishing
WAX 3051 WAX 3051 is suitable for all types of high or waxy gloss finishing with out darkening effects
WAX 3044 WAX 3044 provides a very strong darkening and pull-up effects. It has excellent burning properties
WAX 3042 WAX 3042 provides a clear darkening and pull-up effects for light color leather
WAX 3036 WAX 3036 gives a very fine ,soft ,pleasant waxy handle
PU 4016 PU 4016 give a very good covering power and physical properties.It has very good solvent and light/heat resistance
PU 4063 PU 4063 has very high adhesion values and excellent polishing and glazing behaviour. It can increase elasticity and wet rubs
Fill 5062 Fill 5062 si and an aqueous dispersion that contains an organic matting and filling substances. It has excellent covering leveling and filling proper
Fill 5066 Fill 5066 forms a dull opaque film and improves plate release and stacking properties. It has good coverage without overfilling the grain
Touch 6001 Touch 6001 is a selected silicone based on aqueous and solvent dispersion with high molecular weight and can be used in aqueous and solvent system. T
Touch 6003 Touch 6003 can improve resistance to wet and dry rubs. It has good taber resistance and produces a siky and slippy handle
Touch 6008 Touch 6008 gives a waxy pleasing feel and migrates very less into the leather after a ceitain time. It provides a natural warm handle
Touch 6016 Touch 6016 can increase resistance to wet and dry rubs and have good taber resistance. The product migrates very less into the leather after a certai
Touch 6021 Touch 6021 produces a very natural greasy slippy handle and only migtates very little into the leather after certain time. It has very good light and
Touch 6036 Touch 6036 gives a natural warm handle and improves the brilliancy of the leather. It has good light and heat fastness and buffing effects
Touch 6036 Touch 6039 gives a very fine oil waxy handle and migrates very little into leather after a certain time
Touch 6283 Touch 6283 provides a soft natural sikly handle. It has good taber resistance and non yellowing when exposed to UV light
Touch 6433 Touch 6443 increases wet and dry rub resistance and provides a soft talcum handle
WE 7056 WE 7056 forms very soft clear film. It has good filling power and physical properties. The product gives very good gloss
RLS 8002 RLS 8002 has relatively good fastness properties and promotes bright color
ST 9030 ST 9030 is a strongly penetrating wetting agent for all types of leather. It shows good compatibility with polymer binder